Her rapid speech and seemingly endless energy, already noted by her high school yearbook editor (".frankly, how does she do it?") became her trademark in college. There she majored in zoology and supported herself with a number of part-time jobs. She graduated from Westfield High School in 1925 and entered Mount Holyoke College the same year.

An excellent student in the sciences, she did poorly in home economics courses, and (according to several friends) never did learn how to cook. By her high school years, she had already decided to pursue a medical career. Her early interest in science and medicine may have been inspired by her father, an amateur inventor and astronomer. The family was a musical one, and Virginia learned to play the violin as a child, and continued throughout her life. Apgar, an insurance executive, and Helen May Apgar.

Apgar was born in Westfield, New Jersey, on June 7, 1909, to a family that (as she often described them) "never sat down." She was the youngest of the three children of Charles E.